Its the New Year! Here wishing everyone a brand new exciting FANTASTIC year ahead! Its 1 plus now. I have wasted the first half day of the new year! I practically ate, napped and watched anime. Decided not to start off my year bring so lazy!
Dunno why i feel so bored at home these days. Must be too used to going out. Anyway, continued rearranging my pics from sat! Now my photos are well arranged in my hard disk! It has been a while since I updated this blog. Loads of things to update! let us see if I am able to complete them by today as a way to pass my time so called constructively? haha!
I wonder if everyone else is feeling as restless as me. After all the food and partying, maybe most of you are having a well-deserved rest now. It's sure a long weekend! I could get used to this! Shiok! I wish I dun have to work! keke!
Here's some pic from yesterday new year's eve feasting I had at BC's house... *fat*

This is fried wanton skin with egg and spring onions! Unusual dish! BC said he came up with this dish when he was back in aussie. Apparently, pork was too exp and this was a kind of alternative to wantons. Haha! Well, it was not bad u noe! wanton taste so yummy when fried! Mmmmm!! this was like our snack while cooking! Cause i kept eating it while i was preparing the other dishes! keke!

I love this pic! haha! we are making malay potato patties (dunno how to spell, pronouced as "ber-gal-dill"). BC learnt this from his indo roommate! His indo roommate is power! thot him so many dishes! For BC who absolutely loves eating must have love this roommate alot! I am loving her too! hehe!
I did not see the steps he did to make this but i reckon it is this way. He first cut the potatos into cubes. Fry them. Then later mashed the potatos. Next, he frys the beef with spring onions and shallots. He then mixed the cooked beef with the mashed potatos. Then we will have to roll the mixture into little patties as seen in the pic. It was so good that I could just eat it like that!

The malay potato patties after frying with egg! Beautiful, isnt it?!! But its really oily after frying! We used up many kitchen towels trying to drain his oil out! hehe!
Look at this bowl of minced beef with chopped celery, chopped carrot and loads of mushrooms! Guess what's the next dish on the menu! Its Sheperd's pie!! Weee!! As usual, I did the mashed potatos and BC was responsible of frying the beef! It has been really long since we last did this dish together. Almst forgot the steps!
I commented to BC that I shld be known as the mashed potato expert! Cause I always seem to be only mashing potatos! I did mashed potatos for my hse christmas party too! Oh geez! My new year resolution is to learn how to cook something else behind mashed potatos! haha!

My Sheperd's pie!! My favourite! It has been a while since I had it! Mum's too busy preparting for her parties to prepare these!! Pity i think we added too much water! Too much gravy which explains why its brown at the ends as the gravy has spilt out during baking! Love it still! yumz!
Yummy Chicken wings! BBQed by Gary!
Managed to capture this face of Little Natalie happily feasting away! Poor gal was hungry already! This gal is a china gal manz! She asked for rice and declined my Sheperd's pie! I think my fwens will go crazy hearing this cause they absolutely love eating Sheperd's pie! haha!
Tomato Soup made by Th Jie. Jamie's Oliver Recipe! Love this soup! The sweet and sourish taste of the soup sures whet up yr appetite for a big meal! :). Let me see.. i think it has onions, carrots shreds and chopped garlic in it! MMmm! I love garlic!
Pork Chops! Marinated and BBQed by Gary. Beautiful, isnt it? Pity it was a bit dry else it wuld have been really good! There were also BBQed Beef steaks and pork ribs! Did not take a pic cause my hands were already greased by the yummy food. Did not had the pork ribs cause I was really stuffed. pity! Heard it was darn good!
I feel that food kind of bonds pple together. I was telling THjie that the best part of the feast is preparing the food cause its really fun! She still feels its the eating though! haha! See.. while cooking, I learnt a little more about the daily life about BC when he was back in aussie. Its like that time when my fwen stayed at my hse and she helped my mum in the kitchen. I can feel they talked more naturally and freely when they were cooking. I love food! haha