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Guess what is baking in the oven!!

Portobello mushrooms!!
Portobello - pronounced [por-toh-BEHL-loh]
Baked with butter, chopped garlic and Chinese Celery (i think)

A close up! Aint it pretty~
Made these like a month back. I love mushrooms!! Esp with loads of button and garlic! Mmm! Love garlic too! My mama first bought this mushrooms for me when i wanted to go for some outdoor bbq with my fwens. We glaced the mushrooms with butter and added chopped garlic on top of it! The taste was heavenly! mmm! everyone at the bbq loved it~
Unfortunately, these home made ones weren't as nice. Think i got too greedy and added too much butter. It got a bit too oily. N oso I think it tastes nicer grilled than baked! Mmm!!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's the pic of the outdoor bbq we had at Changi park. It was really dark and crowded at Changi park! Noisy too! the planes that flew past like every 10 mins! It was a really primitive bbq~ We did not have a pit! Just those disposable wire container, wire mesh and some bricks! Wierd but fun! But the poor guys got to do all the hardwork! N we only had 1 small pathetic torch that we have to shine on our food to noe wat we are cooking and eating!! haha! Fun though!

Men At Work
Went there with Th jie, Natalie, her dad, her grandma, her jiu jiu, bao, elaine, jason and me! haha! Family cum fwens party!
Attempted some artistic shots at the beach too!

Life has been really busy and complicated, thus has not been updating my food blog for a long time. N I needed a bluetooth adapter in order to upload my pics from my hp to my lappie. Yeap, I got it finally. Thanks BC for it.
Heard the ice cream from this place is really nice. Was super eager to try it out.

My first time was when i bugged BC to bring me all the way to Marina Square just to have a little after dinner dessert. But we were too late, the restaurant closes at 9.30pm. We ended up buying the ice cream from the counter. I wanted green tea red bean but it was sold out!! I had green tea and Black sesame icecream. BC had Lychee sorbet and Durian icecream. Mine were yummy but the 2 flavours were too strong together, I got sick after a while. BC's lychee was light and refreshing. The durian was yummy too. Like my frn mei said, surprisely that japan has no durians and its durian ice cream is surprisingly yummy!
The second time I went there with TH jie and Little Natalie on my off day! I finally get to eat it in the restaurant! I already knew wat I wanted to order! haha! The place was empty on a friday afternoon! Shiok! Only tai tais can enjoy such peace n quiet, shopping and having tea in the afternoon manz. I only get to do it once in a while. SHitty!
Anyway even after our very full meal, we ordered like 3 icecream among the both of us! Yummy!

Green Tea Syrup with Red Bean on shaven ice + Softserve icecream.

SOrry about the photosize. Still figuring out my handphone. GOlden dust something on shaven ice + Softserve icecream.

My favourite! Green tea ice cream + red bean + dumpling. It was so yummy that when i was almost done with it that i rem to take pics.

Little Natalie enjoying the Ocha.
The last(third) time I went there was when my frn Jane came back from Indonesia! We had a rather good dinner at Dian Xiao Er. The only dishes I liked from there was the herbal duck and the mongolian spare ribs. The hashima was super bitter! bleahz!
Anyway, we were so full from our dinner that we jus ordered a double scoop to share among the 3 of us! Got green tea red bean flavour! Haha! I made sure mei let me ordered that cause she wasnt exactly a fan of green tea! But she got her milk tea flavour to makes up for it! Poor Jane din get a choice! haha! ANyway, both flavours were great! Even mei sae that the green tea red bean was nice too! haha!
Food is most yummy when with company right? Although i quite frequent Marina Square on my own, i will not have the ice cream on my own. Like so loser. Haha! TOo bad i cant "tabao" it home.
Saw a show recently. It saes eating is like drinking. Enjoying food does not depend on the taste alone but also depends on the company, the ambience and something else. Cant rem. Haha!