His so-called device is actually a plastic rod. Since lobsters love dark places, he was hoping by putting the chicken liver into the rod, they will b lured into the rods and caught easily. Haha! but it din work in the end. He gave up on his device. Good thing he got the hang of it and managed to caught 2 big ones! I was so tired and frustrated after a while that i ended up catching 'Hei Bi's. At least i got a small sense of satisfaction. haha!
My weapon! Chicken Liver + my trusty net.
My & BC's 'HeiBi's. My HeiBi's are even smaller than his! Plus Bao's first giantic lobster.
Bao's satisfied catch for the day.
BC and his new indian fwen. Haha! He makes fwens everywhere manz.
Towards the end, i got tired and irritated by the numerous mosquitoes and decided to quit. Went to take some pics of the wonderful scenary instead. Me trying to master the art of the photography too! Nuya is my 'ShiFu'. Here are my humble shots:
The bridge at the reservoir...
Taking the pics of the bicycle...
Love the reflection of the sun on the waters...
The sun sets...
where the lobsters are hiding... Love the clear waters!
Going Home! :)
We went to a fish shop earlier in the day and bough a big fish tank so that we can rear our catch! Was so happy to see all the lobsters swiming in the new tank.
Unforuntately, dunno why the lobsters started dying in the tank. It was really wierd cause that time when we put them in the bucket, they managed to survive at least a few days. N this time we had a pump in the tank summore. Anyway, we decided to cook the lobsters before they died. I din dare to eat. Bao n BC were the heros for the nite. BC din like the taste at all. We said it was psychological but hey, i am so not gonna attempt trying that. bleahz!!
Bought natalie a little terrapin as a pet for her at the fish shop too! glad she loves it!
BC's pretty tank with all the lobsters still alive!
How the lobsters look like when cooked. Like those we have in restaurent
Huge Huge lobsters! Pretty disgusted by the thot! BC had the smaller one.
Little natalie admiring her new pet!
Her pet!!
Ending this post with a BIG smile from my dearest!
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