Its bright and cheery easter morning!!
Finally we get to sing happy easter songs! The past few weeks has been solemn cause it was Lent Period.
It has been a self indulgence enjoyable weekend so far!!
Loads of shopping... buying... eating and fun!!
Horrible day at work it was on thursday. Glad that I had class at the end of the day to forget the shitty nite. Ended the nite relaxingly by watchin dvd and playing PSP! Had hot and crispy french fries too! Sometimes you jus crave for Macs even though its like everywhere and you can have it like anytime.
Friday was started off with church. The church was crazily packed! I got chased out during communion. haha! that was because I was one of the many parisherners blocking the aisles. Bo bianz. No space to stand. But it was a good feeling to see so many in church.
The rest of the day was shopping and to JB we went for dinner! yes! went back for the yummy stingray!! i got myself a cheap new top! BC got himself an even cheaper berms! steal!
Ydae was another shopping and eating session. We got a little extra cash from some place to buy ourselves more things! Hehe! I think we are too spendthrift!! Had dinner at vivocity with little natalie!!
N my uncle is treating dinner to nite! *faint*
Putting on weight... :(
N today...Dad just got me a set of drivers from cash convertors!! haha! I was complaining that I have no drivers so he told me he will go cash convertors and have a look! and weee!! There it was! a decent set! he said I was lucky!! haha! Pretty and light!! like it!
I wish monday never comes.... *Dread*
Stole a pic in church last week. It was Palm Sunday! They did a great job with the decor!
Outdated but cheap taiwan magazines! got it from JB~ hehe! cant read chinese but hey, pictures tell a thousand words! haha!
Took a boliao pic of our new gloves while at the range! We bought loads more stuffs over the weekend... Oh no! broke week ahead!
Saw a couple of monkeys crossing the overhead bridge on our way out!!
Took some scenic pics while waiting for a seat in the restaurent.
Me, TH & a cup of boost juice! haha! BC sae he loved this when he was back in Aussie! However, we tried it. not so nice i feel. He said the one in aussie tasted much better. How sad! :(
Our Merlion surprise! Ben & Jerrys! HAha! We were actually so full from dinner then! So 4 of us share one! Gary mentioned that if we were to have a merlion each then we will really "merlion" after that! hahaha!
Natalie insisted that I should take a pic of her and the cow! haha! cute!!
Thanks dad! :)
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