When people dun appreciate the food they prepared so hard for.
I know I am not a professional baker. However, it jus means it takes more effort for me to make the things I do. I do noe when my end products aint good, I do appreciate criticism. But please dun throw my food away! Unless they turned out as a failure like the egg tarts, i will throw them out myself!
What am I whining about here?
Here's my story...
I have some canadian distant relatives that came over to singapore for a visit. There was supposed to be a farewell party for them later tonite. However, since I am leaving for holiday this evening, I will not be able to make it. As a gesture of goodwill, I decided to make some stuffs for them; caramel popcorn and coconut crunch cookies. I just thot since they had been staying in chalets, it will be nice to have some things to munch.
The coconut crunch! So pretty in the glass jar. This is usually well-liked by most. So this was not the cause of the my displeasurement here. HA!
My caramel corn. I made the whole 6 quarts batch this time round. My caramel did not turn out as good as the first and it was harder to heat them up in the oven since it was like a mountain of them. Therefore, there were soft ones among the whole batch.
Anyway, here the story goes...
My mum helped me bring those things over ydae night. Most of them were at some nearby jetty area for fishing. Left 3 adults and my own relatives. Some of popcorn was soft but still edible. Then my this auntie, wanted to be nice to bring some water to those at jetty area. There wasnt any container around so she eyed the big transparent container which held my popcorn!
You noe what she told my mum? Throw this (popcorn) away so i can bring water for them! WHAT THE HELL!! I spend an hour infront of the oven! And she jus wanna throw them out jus like that. Just because she dun eat them. Anyway, i made for the distant relatives and not her! So angry! What right does she have? How will she feel if i said i dun eat her stuffs and throw hers out? Grrr!! Lucky my mama stopped her. Hmphz!
Sorry... for my ranting...
My mum just told me the story at the wrong time when I m awake so early in the morning. Not in a very good mood!
Anyway, I will never let anyone throw my food away again! I will make a smaller batch of popcorn next time round so there will never be any soft ones.
Nicely packed popcorns for pple i love. PPle i noe who wun throw away my food!! :p