Saturday, March 01, 2008

Tasmania - Trip Day 8

Blogging on a saturday morning... Boo hoo! Sheer bordem! I have half a mind to do my work since I have my laptop with me. Maybe I should.. spend my time more constructively.

I am starting to forget details of the trip by now. Hoho! This should be a brief entry.

Day 8 -- Our destination was towards Launceston city. The next major city in Tasmania.

Our first stop was at first to be another fruit farm. But we decided to forgo that to spend a leisure morning at our wonderful beach house. We could not bear to say good bye to it. We even snapped some group pictures.

Anyway, so our new first stop was the st columbia falls. This falls is so much more magnificent than the one we saw at Melbourne. N we did not even have to walk haf as hard. The distance was shorter and the slopes were much more gentler and there's werent steps. I still feel cheated.

Some pics of what we saw on the road....

On the road

On the road

Result of a forest fire.

On the road
I think the trees looks rather nice though... haha

loads of 'moo-moo's on the road. Gary was thinking of steak everytime we past by a load of cows. He is able to different which cows makes the best steak. something to do with the build of the cow and the muscles or something. My love for beef has not gone to such extent for me to distinct the good cows. I mean I wun be able to grab one and go home and crave it anyway. Gary's knowledge and passion for steaks is power!

Gary was thinking of steaks when taking this pic. haha

On the road

The falls from a distant...

St Columbia Falls
a stream?

Our next destination was suppose to be a wildlife park. But when we got there, it was closed already. The closing time and the stated closing on the website was about 2 hours difference. We got cheated. All that travelling time for nothing!!

we headed for launceston city early for a view. They were having a like a mini fun fair similar to our pasar malam but you got to pay like 10 bucks per person so we skipped it. Not as if we get free food.

After a quick drive round the city, we realise its not as vibrant as Hobart city. There werent much life along the streets.

We decided to check in to our new accomodation. Its suppose to be a victorian townhouse which means its a really really old house. N yes, it did look rather old on the inside. But thank goodness, it was clean and as a warmth feeling on the inside. Its not as modern but its comfortable enuff.
The toilet cum bathroom was really huge! But once again.... there's only one!!! Sad!

Victoria House @ Launceston Victoria House @ Launceston
Victoria House @ Launceston Victoria House @ Launceston
Victoria House @ Launceston Victoria House @ Launceston
Victoria House @ Launceston Victoria House @ Launceston
Victoria House @ Launceston

Dinner that night was steak! haha! Good for Gary who have an extreme craving for them after seeing all the cows.

We went to the JailHouse Grill which is supposedly one of the best steak house in Tasmania. Thankfully, we went early cause it seems you have to make reservations to ensure a seat in there.

Dinner Dinner.... I cant rem wat cuts we each have... so jus see pictureS?

JailHouse Grill

JailHouse Grill - Menu

JailHouse Grill - Grill Station
Grilling steaks... see the thing in the corner? looks like some torture equipment in the "Jailhouse"

JailHouse Grill - Veggie frm Salad Bar
Some salad from the bar..

JailHouse Grill - Garlic Bread
Garlic bread with the shadown of some1's fingers in the background.

JailHouse Grill - Gary's Steak
Gary's steak

JailHouse Grill - Pork Ribs
Pork ribs.

JailHouse Grill - Eye Fillet JailHouse Grill - Eye Fillet
More steaks..

JailHouse Grill - Scallops

JailHouse Grill - Grilled Duck
Duck... super awkard angle...

Jailhouse Grill - Steak
A bite anyone?

The steak was pretty good. Except mine, it was a bit too well-done.. so abit tuff but still good.. Shld have asked for medium. Gary's was yummy and juicy. They had a salad bar like that of Sizzlers.. kind of yummy too. The steakhouse was overall not bad but we think it is a bit sad if it is like the best steak house in Tasmania. Not much of a "wow" factor.

After dinner, we did a little shopping at the supermarket. Got to stock up on sweets and chocs before we go back to sg...... then its back to our accomodation for some relaxation.

it was really cold in the townhouse at night.... i enjoyed curling up in my heated matterus bed... hibernation.... hehe

That's for day 8

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