We went to the alexandra branch which was a short walk from our office. Being an ala-carte buffet, we naturally ordered as much as we can once we reached. The teppanyaki was not available although its stated in the website.
Generally the food was quite ok. There was a few items which i do like but most of the items were complained by majority to be too salty! To finish the jellyfish became like a challenge to most of them as they felt it was too salty. But it turns out that the miso soup was the ultimate winner of the saltiest item of the list! No effect on me since i did not take both of the items.
What i like was its chawanmushi, chicken wing, shabu shabu and its sashimi was fresh and good.
Other than that, fried items were just normal. I know the cod fish was well liked by most. But the same sauce used for the cod fish seems to be the same for some of its other items too. So i guess the taste gets kinda too familiar and too much after a while.
Service was ok considering they were majorly understaffed.
From the comments i get, I dun think I will hear most of my colleagues going back there for another time. Me? well... i will not crave for it but wun reject if anyone ask me to go back there.
Picture time!
Squid, Jelly fish, scallop sides
Shabu Shabu
Chicken wing & squid
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