I love the concept that everything is freshly made instead of topping up the food in the containers (cant rem what they are called at the moment) every now and there. I think hthe food taste good cause its all piping hot and freshly cooked.
Well.. not all dishes were good. But I totally love the indian food!! I always love tandoori chicken and naan!! Their indian food was not bad. Saw quite a few indians and angmos piling their plates with indian food.
The only drawback of local cusine is that the flavours are so strong, you cant really stuff yourselves crazy.
I know the goreng pisang is really good. You noe its freshly made when you can see the guy peeling bananas from the bunch itself and then dip in the batter and fry it for you on the spot. Hot and crispy, of course it will be yummy.
In short, it is like a hawker centre in hotel, buffet style. Overall, i think it is worth the experience but I dun think it is a place I will go back often though.
While waiting for my turn to get food.... BC did the arrangement for me. Funny guy!
Food shot! :)! My first round! Then its was jus pigging out all the way... oppsie!
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